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Rabin Roberts Research/ KEN ROBERTS, PRESIDENT

Ken Roberts is a self-confessed research junkie, obsessed with understanding

the ‘why’ behind consumer behavior. He spent his career working in the industry, leading a

team at Cooper Roberts Research, founded in 1991 and headquartered in the San Francisco area.

He has served on numerous boards, including the MRII board, in association with the

University of Georgia; Insights Association, chairman and board member;

San Francisco AMA president, along with various other roles.

Ken was author of the Research Industry Index and managed the

development of the Professional Research Certification program. He has a BS in both

Mathematics and Business Administration from Northern Kentucky University.

FUN FACTS: Ken is an avid fan of dogs, California wines, and the Golden State Warriors.


Ken Roberts is a self-confessed research junkie, obsessed with understanding the ‘why’ behind consumer behavior. He spent his career working in the industry, leading a team at Cooper Roberts Research, founded in 1991 and headquartered in the San Francisco area.

He has served on numerous boards, including the MRII board, in association with the University of Georgia; Insights Association, chairman and board member; San Francisco AMA president, along with various other roles.

Ken was author of the Research Industry Index and managed the development of the Professional Research Certification program. He has a BS in both

Mathematics and Business Administration from Northern Kentucky University.

FUN FACTS: Ken is an avid fan of dogs, California wines, and the Golden State Warriors.

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